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Trataka Meditation

There are as many types of meditation as there are types of meditators. It is always useful and enlightening to explore different meditative practices with compassion and curiosity to find the one(s) that speak to you.
Trataka meditation is a powerful way to still the mind and develop strong concentration through steady gazing. Traditionally, practitioners gaze at something luminous like a candle flame or the moon. But, really, you can use almost any object to gaze at, as long as it is an object that brings you a sense of calm, like a leaf or even a dot on the wall. Please avoid using a candle if you have cataracts, glaucoma, myopia, astigmatism, or epilepsy.
To begin your trataka meditation, place a lit candle in front of you at eye level about 2 feet away. Be sure it is stable and away from drafts. Sit in a comfortable position and gently close your eyes. Take 3 deep yogic breaths in and out through your nose, allowing your body to become more relaxed and still with each exhale.
When you are ready and relaxed, gently open your eyes and let them rest at the top of the candle wick. Don’t concentrate on not blinking. Instead, gaze with the intention of allowing the eyes to be relaxed and still. Let your whole awareness be on the flame. Your mind and your eyes are connected with the flame, as if it were the only thing in the whole universe.
After about 3 minutes, close your eyes but keep staring in the same direction. You might see an after-image of the flame. If you do, just keep focusing on it. If it moves around, keep staring at the center of your vision. If the image disappears or if you don’t see an after-image, just keep watching the black screen of your mind and notice anything that appears. When your eyes feel rested and the after-image has disappeared, you can repeat the process again.
To close the practice, rub your hands together vigorously to build up heat and energy. Cup them over your closed eyes. Gently open your eyes and let them rest, just gazing forward without focus for a few moments.
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