Older Events & Workshops

Hip Hip Hooray

Nancy Nancy MacDonald E-RYT500 This workshop focuses on hips and low back. The hips are where we store emotional baggage and they sometimes feel like a junk drawer stuffed so full they are hard to open. Opening, strengthening and aligning the hips can also bring ease to the low back. Leave with tools to find balance and ease of movement in your lower body. Sciatic sufferers come away with tools for relief and prevention. This workshop not appropriate for hip replacement students.

Nancy Nancy MacDonald E-RYT500 This workshop focuses on hips and low back. The hips are where we store emotional baggage and they sometimes feel like a junk drawer stuffed so full they are hard to open. Opening, strengthening and aligning the hips can also bring ease to the low back. Leave with tools to find balance and ease of movement in your lower body. Sciatic sufferers come away with tools for relief and prevention. This workshop not appropriate for hip replacement students.