Older Events & Workshops


Exercise, meditation, prayer and chanting. This practice is done in the two and a half hours before sunrise when the world is quieter. The practice tunes up your nervous system and attunes your self to the highest inner self. Kundalini yoga.

Sadhana is a spiritual practice found in Kundalini Yoga. It is done in the morning before sunrise when the world is a lot quieter, which makes it easier to meditate. Plus, at this time, the body is already in a natural cleansing state, so the effects of yoga and meditation are a lot stronger. This is your time to gather inner strength and new found guidance. In this day and age of such great change, there is no better form of protection than a strong spiritual practice.

Join Kylie on the first Sunday of every month from 4:45a-7:15a @ Yoga4All & experience for yourself what this practice can do for you and your spirit. A love offering of $10 is greatly appreciated.

For more information contact Kylie directly
Kyli Sachs, RYT, LMT at 727-551-1950

Click the image to view the Sadhana flyer