Older Events & Workshops

Yoga and Hypnosis for Total Wellness and Stress Reduction

Learn the tools of yoga and establish a personal yoga practice

This program introduces the concepts of stress reduction and wellness from a whole-body perspective. It presents basic information on the link between stress and illness, and introduces participants to concrete and specific yoga-based tools to cope with stress and to promote healing. Students will leave this program with an understanding of how yoga helps maintain health. They will learn how to use yoga tools in their daily lives, to deal effectively with stress and promote wellness.

Course Curriculum
Week 1: “What will I learn?” Yoga, Stress Reduction and the Body Systems
Week 2: Core Postures and Importance of Breathing
Week 3: Healthy Bones, Joints and Muscles
Week 4: Healthy Immune System
Week 5: Opening to Life: Integrating the course

Class description: Each week explore a core posture in-depth, and then continue through a soft flowing practice. There is a strong emphasis on linking breath and movement. Classes conclude with breathing practice and a guided meditation period. These classes are appropriate for beginners and intermediate yoga practitioners.

Click the image to view the Yoga and Hypnosis for Total Wellness and Stress Reduction flyer

Older Events & Workshops

Beyond Beginners

A Workshop with Wanda Howe

Older Events & Workshops

Aromatherapy for Your Yoga Practice

Susan Wasserman Aromatherapy for Yoga Aromatherapy for Your Yoga Practice
Susan Wasserman, RYT 500, CAP

The therapeutic benefits of essential oils have been recognized by advanced cultures since ancient times. For over 5000 years, ayurvedic healers and Yogis used these precious substances to sanctify their environment, beautify their bodies and to promote health, well being and longevity. In this workshop, you will learn:

  • Ayurveda & Aromatherapy- the medicine of Yoga
  • Your ayurvedic body type (dosha) and how to recognize imbalances
  • The therapeutic use of essential oils for your body type and for common ailments
  • Essential Oil blending instructions and simple recipes
  • Ayurvedic self massage and basic reflexology techniques that can be used on yourself and your Yoga students
  • The etheric energy of essential oils and how they can awaken the chakras
  • How the combination of the earth’s minerals (crystals, stones) and essential oils work synergistically to balance your ayurvedic dosha

The fee is only $45.00, which includes lots of handouts and a personal spray blend to take home! This class also qualifies for 3 CEUs for Yoga Alliance Teachers. Yoga Flow Essential Oils will be available for sale. You must pre-register for this workshop so adequate supplies are available.

Susan Wasserman RYT500 is a certified yoga therapist, ayurvedic clinical consultant and aromatherapist. Essential oils are Susan’s passion, and her ten year process included study with fourth generation aromatherapists from Europe and India. Susan owns Yoga Flow Essential Oils and is the executive director of the Suncoast Yoga Teacher’s Association.

Click the image to view the Aromatherapy for Your Yoga Practice flyer

Older Events & Workshops

The Art of Sequencing

A Teachers Training with Tias Little, Prajna Yoga

Intermediate to Advanced students also welcome

The art of teaching is in offering intelligent, creative and dynamic sequencing. This course details the key ways to sequence a class in order for students to safely open. We investigate pacing, length of holds, how to sequence using props, and combinations of postures in sequence. We cover ways to skillfully guide students with directives within a given pose.

Morning classes will review active sequencing and afternoon classes will review how to sequence restorative postures. We review standing, seated and inverted asana sequencing. The Prajna Yoga program is unique in that we include practical instruction for how to sequence a meditation practice, and how to create a seamless flow between meditation practice and asana.

Registration will be through Wanda (727-432-3018) and Marty (727-392-9642).

About Tias
Older Events & Workshops

Registered Yoga Teachers Training

New Teachers Training Class at the Seminole location on hold for now. Tampa class still ongoing. Thanks for checking and call Marty at 727-392-9642 if you have any questions.

Tias Little will be offering a workshop in November 2010 that can be applied to his 500 hour teacher certification

For information on Yoga Teachers Alliance visit

Older Events & Workshops

Awaken Your Body with Sunrise Yoga

Awaken Your Body with Sunrise Yoga and Heather Overton

Older Events & Workshops

Family Yoga Class

Bring the Kids!! Bring Grandma! Bring Grandpa! Everyone is invited to Yoga4All’s Family Yoga class! Strengthen family bonds and create togetherness with the yoga class that’s specially designed for the entire family to benefit from and enjoy. Yogis of all ages and abilities will share in the joy and peace that a complete yoga practice can provide. We will stretch and strengthen our minds and bodies through movement, songs, games and stories designed for the whole family to enjoy. It’s not the typical yoga class! Giggles, cuddles and spontaneous dancing are encouraged! [embedplusvideo height=”216″ width=”270″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=8sRL9Aau0Qs&width=540&height=432&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=0&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep3331″ /]

Must pre-register! Limited space available.

Click the image to view the Family Yoga flyer

Older Events & Workshops

Prosperity Meditation


It’s on everyone’s mind

Will I have enough? Is there really an abundance to go around? Can I generate more? What is prosperity?

Learn what the ancient teachings of yoga have to say on the subject of prosperity. Learn specific yogic practices to generate more prosperity in your life.

Older Events & Workshops

Psychic Readings with Lisa

Learn your life’s purpose through psychic readings with Lisa LaMendola
By Appointment Only

Older Events & Workshops

Yoga for Breast Cancer Patients and Survivors

This class is being blended into the Thursday night Meditation Class at 7:30 with Sandi and Lisa. Please feel free to come join them for a healing journey.